2022-05-30 : Fix: Missing context releases and error catching 2022-05-27 : v4.23.4 2022-05-27 : Fix: [CANTV] Add ufield support for splitters 2022-05-27 : Fix: add building as possible connection to links 2022-05-27 : Fix: as-built report not showing 2022-05-26 : New: [DIGITAL] included the PIANOI info of the chamber/Pole where there's an element associated 2022-05-26 : Fix: LogElement findById not found error not showing at frontend 2022-05-25 : Fix: [SaintHelena] Al treure SB d'un Post, la grafia d'aquest segueix com si estigués ple 2022-05-24 : Fix: [FW] Ufieds import not working 2022-05-24 : Fix: Make box2box report buttons appear by config file 2022-05-24 : Fix: [FW] Check why OR did not change the element 2022-05-24 : Fix: Creating an element from a custom element_type from the operations menu shows the element form with not found 2022-05-24 : [DIGITAL] Fix Order and Group not showing up 2022-05-24 : Fix app_api patch 2022-05-23 : Fix app_api apx_columns with repeated ids 2022-05-23 : APP: post/patch elements + post/delete files 2022-05-20 : [Freedom][FW] New element duct tee - Import 2022-05-19 : v4.23.3 2022-05-19 : Fix: make LogGeoAddress use the key from the parameters 2022-05-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-19 : [Freedom] Bulk update custom field for poles - amend title 2022-05-19 : New: [Freedom] Bulk update custom field for poles 2022-05-19 : New: [Freedom] Add ufields for subducts and microducts 2022-05-19 : New: Make ufields tablename a dropdown of options and not editable 2022-05-19 : Fix: [Freedom] Rename exports to be consistent 2022-05-19 : New: Add tubes & diameter to cable template 2022-05-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-19 : Fix: update apx_inst_delete to take into account new tables roleb2b and apx_columns 2022-05-19 : Fix: remove fiber interconnections to null and reserverd true as now reservations are tied to the fibre themselves 2022-05-19 : Fix: [Freedom] Create serviceloop not working 2022-05-19 : Fixed [Freedom] Editing polygons freezes up 2022-05-17 : Fix: Sed operations activity log showing incorrect tablename 2022-05-17 : New: Element Parent dropdown now shows elements from another projects and disable them 2022-05-16 : v4.23.2 2022-05-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-16 : New: [ITS] Option to update cable measured length by map length 2022-05-16 : New: Change the fibre schematics dropdown to show the cable only 2022-05-14 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-13 : Fix: [Freedom] Fiber schematics issues 2022-05-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-13 : Ammend final: [CLOUD] Fer que les icones siguin per instal·lació (after digital/cloud brown) 2022-05-13 : Fix: Avoid conflict caused after renaming 2 sql that were already in some servers 2022-05-12 : Fix: find closest element can take multiple functionality parameters 2022-05-12 : Fixed missing non-element_type ufields in ufield manteinance 2022-05-12 : Fix: b2b not accessible through duct if another project is selected 2022-05-11 : Fix: default.json must point to the dockers db! 2022-05-11 : v4.23.1 2022-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-11 : Fix: links not finding all possible elements 2022-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-11 : New: [ITS] Tenir llista d'exports en procés 2022-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-11 : Fix: [DIGITAL] Eliminar opción en custom field 2022-05-10 : Fix: Duct Tee duplicating selection & not saving properly. 2022-05-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-10 : Fix app_api container missing context releases 2022-05-10 : Fix: findClosestElement bug 2022-05-10 : Fix: [DIGITAL] Can´t delete box2box routes 2022-05-10 : New: [DIGITAL] Area Define button for Blockages and B2B routes 2022-05-10 : Fix: [Estanbell] Imported multiline cables not showing on map 2022-05-09 : New: [Cantv] Add date fields to codifiers and add them to activity log 2022-05-09 : v4.23.0 2022-05-09 : Fix: Make Log import messages appear in the server log 2022-05-09 : Fix: Avoid conflict caused after renaming 2 sql that were already in some servers 2022-05-09 : New: v4.22.7 changelog 2022-05-09 : Fix: [Freedom] Add project filter to networkclients SED 2022-05-09 : Fixed job scheduler rescheduling 2022-05-06 : Fix: Duct tee not saving linked elements. 2022-05-06 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Empty lambda on networkclient creation shows {} on reopening 2022-05-06 : [Tests 29-4-22] Edit subduct multiple errors in console 2022-05-06 : [Tests 29-4-22] Poles don't have link to interconnections in map popup 2022-05-05 : Fix APP_API missing columns 2022-05-05 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Route connection info broken icons 2022-05-04 : Sed process with advanced filters 2022-05-04 : [Tests 29-4-22] SED Scheduled export problems 2022-05-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-05-04 : [Tests 29-4-22] SED Scheduled export problems 2022-05-04 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Splitterbox Free client label doesn't show up in the interconnections window 2022-05-04 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] SB/Joint form not loading when one with idparent is open 2022-05-04 : [Tests 29-4-22] SED Scheduled export problems 2022-05-03 : [Tests 29-4-22] APP API problems 2022-05-03 : Fix: find-layer undefined treeLayers error & removed debuggers at element component 2022-05-03 : Fix: Layers dropdown not working at SED 2022-05-03 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Project management - adding elements 2022-05-03 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Creating element of new element type: layer inconsistency 2022-05-02 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Delete building bad gateway 2022-05-02 : Fix: [Test 29-4-22] OLT parent crashes at saving 2022-05-02 : [Tests 29-4-22] New element type SED not being generated 2022-04-29 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] OLT edit comments not saved 2022-04-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-29 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Delete codifier Bad Gateway 2022-04-29 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] Element SED issue - element type filter and state filter not working when also filtering by layers not filtered by project 2022-04-29 : Fix: [Tests 29-4-22] SED Interconnections filter 2022-04-29 : [ITS] Scheduled export jobs 2022-04-28 : [Freedom][FW] New element duct tee 2022-04-28 : [CANTV] Hora tracking changes 2022-04-28 : New: Add created_on into installations table 2022-04-28 : Fix: Creating a splitterbox crashes 2022-04-28 : New: Tracking changes now register User changes 2022-04-28 : Fix: [Dragonet] 'Route connection info' stops midway through 2022-04-28 : Fix: Tracking changes Element code filter not working when element is deleted 2022-04-27 : Fix: [DIGITAL] Blockage custom fields 2022-04-26 : Fix: Layer search bar 2022-04-26 : Fix: generic update of pia links derived from [DIGITAL] buried states (x's) and all Change of states (triangles) accesible on Box2Box 2022-04-26 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-26 : Amend: [FW] Fallo en la actualización de BTPIA + [DIGITAL] Include BUR elements in duct endpoints upon pia requests 2022-04-26 : Fix: [DIGITAL] Box 2 Box report 2022-04-26 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-26 : Fix: [FW] Fallo en la actualización de BTPIA + [DIGITAL] Include BUR elements in duct endpoints upon pia requests 2022-04-26 : [Freedom] Add sed operation for SB to delete in bulk 2022-04-26 : New: Register sed massive operations at tracking changes 2022-04-25 : Add networkclient_type id on ApxColumns 2022-04-22 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-22 : Fix: Make download all restitent to multiple same name files per element 2022-04-22 : [Freedom] Issues with importable SB export 2022-04-21 : Lligar el CRUD d'ufields amb la taula apx_columns 2 2022-04-20 : Lligar el CRUD d'ufields amb la taula apx_columns 2022-04-19 : Fix: Elements at p2p not showing why can't be deleted 2022-04-19 : Fix: B2B next get next step Ducts work for those with one null end 2022-04-19 : New: add change v4.22.6 2022-04-19 : New: [FW] Obr roles should be able to enter into CPD interconnections 2022-04-14 : Fix: [Digital] Pole sed filters not working 2022-04-14 : Fix: Adding Splitterbox non Uprn clients broken 2022-04-14 : New: add v4.22.5 changelog 2022-04-13 : Fix: [Exponential-e] Shape export error 2022-04-12 : Ammend2: [CLOUD] Fer que les icones siguin per instal·lació 2022-04-12 : Ammend: [CLOUD] Fer que les icones siguin per instal·lació 2022-04-08 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-08 : Fix revision 418 2022-04-07 : Fix: [Cantv] Interconnection still exists for a deleted subduct 2022-04-07 : Fix: Deleting a manhole it appears twice at tracking changes 2022-04-06 : Fix: Delete activity not showing distributionpoint data 2022-04-06 : Fix: Introducing a wrong login at my account change password crashes the backend 2022-04-06 : Fix: Add warning when importing a file that is too big 2022-04-06 : New: Add parameter to set csv delimiter on import 2022-04-06 : Fix broken clients api 2022-04-06 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-06 : Fix app_api returning version 2022-04-06 : New: Admin doesn't need current password to change a login password 2022-04-06 : Fix: Not possible to edit existing comments at b2b 2022-04-06 : Fix: P2P service add node without project not working 2022-04-06 : Fixed db revisions 2022-04-05 : App API missing step on dist build 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : App API missing step on dist build 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : New: element_type sed filter changed to multiselect 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : App API build permissions 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : Fix: [ITS] Import process timing out 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-05 : App API getElements documents 2022-04-05 : Fix: add new duplication of layers when copying installations 2022-04-05 : Fix: add missing docker image build when deploying 2022-04-05 : App API incorporate ufields into apx_columns 2022-04-05 : Fix: cable js errors while loading 2022-04-05 : App API getElements querystring parameters 2022-04-05 : App API getElementTypes multi document 2022-04-05 : New: Add XLSX export for UPRNs 2022-04-04 : Fix: Create UPRN from map only inserts at element table 2022-04-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-04-04 : APP API: lookup endpoints element/start element/end 2022-04-04 : New: update v4.22 minor changelog 2022-04-04 : Fix: add missing zip package to the task dockerfile 2022-04-04 : New: add a param "projects_show_comsof_export_button" to hide the projet comsof export button 2022-04-04 : APP: Implementar els 2 nous backends. -GetElementTypes And -GetElements 2022-04-04 : Fix: Function at clients component not handling errors 2022-04-04 : [CLOUD] Fer que les icones siguin per instal·lació 2022-04-01 : New: Added a warning when connecting CTO to UPRN already connected 2022-03-31 : New: update APX api documentation with uprns by coord changes 2022-03-31 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-31 : New: [FW] fw_obr feature make interconection Details ReadOnly 2022-03-31 : New: Added index to uprn.id_mdu 2022-03-31 : Fix: [Digital] Blockage userfields 11-35 readonly 2022-03-31 : New: Add query params at uprnWithin API endpoint 2022-03-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-29 : Fix: Olt in networkclients table has its own id as parent 2022-03-29 : Fix: Networkclients list and export shouldn't show distrubutionpoints 2022-03-28 : Fix: loginGlobal cleanups when misc errors 2022-03-28 : Fix: Add err control when the element blockage does not exists 2022-03-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-28 : New: Default Box2box export order by route name & segment index 2022-03-28 : New: Option for deleting cable from a duct instead of all sections 2022-03-25 : Fix: Columns have more characters than necessary 2022-03-25 : Fix: SQL revision not using functions 2022-03-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-25 : New: Changed manhole form codifier label and deleted manhole_type 2022-03-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-25 : BUG: Delete a b2b route deletes the blockages created from it 2022-03-25 : App API docker & structure 2022-03-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-25 : Fix: Deleting layer and elements on it doesn't add elements on tracking changes 2022-03-24 : Fix: [Freedom] List of uprns has more entries than export 2022-03-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-23 : Fix: [Freedom] apply update style by element subtype as well 2022-03-23 : Fix: element_type selection in layer admin sometimes disappears 2022-03-23 : [FW] Cambio en la configuración del status (para que den fechas de cambio de estados) 2022-03-22 : Fix: Opening a pole from map after opening a btpia pole applies the same PIA details 2022-03-22 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-22 : New: Networkclient sed export now filters by networkclient type 2022-03-21 : Update changelog minor 2022-03-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-18 : New: Set the map layers selector width to 100% 2022-03-18 : Fix: Element area selection on btpia layer doesn't work 2022-03-18 : Fix: Avoid exception in report generation when no report.filename.data in query data 2022-03-18 : New: Make ufield component for photo type specify Id in the HTML New: [DIGITAL] Contractors blockage ufields 11-35 disabled 2022-03-16 : [FW] "Download all" fotos o elements en un ZIP 2022-03-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-16 : Fix: Opening connector details at interconnections was unchecking all checkboxes 2022-03-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-16 : Fix: UPRN export duplicates sb when its mdu 2022-03-15 : New: Button for load privileges from another roles at roles 2022-03-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-15 : New: Closing b2b returns to the duct it was opened from 2022-03-14 : Fix: uprn export duplicating sb codes on is_mdu cases 2022-03-14 : New: Duct b2b list now shows all b2bs and selection without permission is disabled 2022-03-14 : Fix: Invalid role can access b2b through URL 2022-03-14 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-14 : New: layer search bar 2022-03-14 : Fix: 'not filtered by project' layers don't show if they are child layers 2022-03-11 : [DIGITAL] Not able to download a specific blockage report 2022-03-11 : Frontend block add-remove functionality 2022-03-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-11 : Fix: Added columns origin and origin_type to table pia_noi 2022-03-11 : Fix: 414.sql glitch 2022-03-10 : Fix: incorrect path of connection for apx_maps docker 2022-03-10 : v4.22.2 2022-03-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-10 : New: [Freedom] Change how PIA pole info is set on import 2022-03-10 : New: [Freedom] Add address to pole exports 2022-03-09 : Fix: Delete rows of networkclient and distributionpoint that not exists in element 2022-03-09 : Fix: Networkclient and distributionpoint are not removed while deleting layer 2022-03-09 : Fix BUG: API map does not show all elements & BUG: API map highlight_radius disappears on low zoom levels 2022-03-09 : Fix: Amend old SQL db revisions following an upgrade job from a really old APX version that made us find these glitches 2022-03-09 : Fix: B2b javascript angular errors 2022-03-09 : Fix: Added constraints to element_types id_inst 2022-03-08 : Fix: Save reserved error 2022-03-08 : Fix: Make digital contractor feature reenable the broken interconections button in 4.22+ 2022-03-08 : New: Add minor changelog into documentation folder 2022-03-08 : Fix: first use of apx_newid in 244.sql without creating it 2022-03-08 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-07 : Fix: [Freedom] UPRN export makes duplicates when multiple CTOs are servicing them 2022-03-07 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-07 : Fix: Function rename 2022-03-07 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-07 : Fix: Fixes user management filter behavior 2022-03-07 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-07 : BUG: API map error 2022-03-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-03-04 : New: [FW] New features 2022-03-03 : New: [Dragonet] Mass op to update layers for Elements 2022-03-02 : v4.22.1 2022-03-02 : Fix: [NGA] Service P2P location button (to identify route) seems not to be working 2022-03-02 : [DIGITAL]Activity log (like there is on duct) on cables, joints and SBs in the user field + B2B and Blockages 2022-02-28 : [Fix]: Fixes massive operation to change state for SB doesn't update the style 2022-02-28 : [DIGITAL]Activity log (like there is on duct) on cables, joints and SBs in the user field 2022-02-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-28 : [DIGITAL] Add codifiers to tracking changes 2022-02-28 : [DIGITAL] Add codifiers to tracking changes 2022-02-28 : [Fix]: [FW] Massive operation to change state for SB doesn't update the style 2022-02-28 : Fix Mapserver debug levels have to be 0 in production environments 2022-02-28 : [Fix]: [Digital] NOI import error not showing information 2022-02-25 : Fix: 409.sql error 2022-02-25 : [ITS] reservar tubs o grups de fibres - Import sql's 2022-02-25 : Afegir el canvi d'ICONs al tracking changes 2022-02-24 : New: [FW] Add connected chambers to b2b exports 2022-02-24 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-24 : Fix: new cables do not get the stylecolor 2022-02-24 : Modificar l'error quan hi ha un error exportant a SHP, KML o Geopackage 2022-02-24 : Fix: [ITS] Avoid UPRN duplicate codes 2022-02-24 : Amend fix BUG: [Test v4.21] apx_map symbols.map should generate absolute paths for the icons 2022-02-24 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-24 : Fix: amend db updates 2022-02-24 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-24 : Fix: add cable error 2022-02-24 : BUG: Add rack doesn't save owner and comments 2022-02-23 : v4.22.0 2022-02-23 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-23 : BUG: [Test v4.21] apx_map symbols.map should generate absolute paths for the icons 2022-02-23 : BUG: [Test v4.21] SED advanced filters export 2022-02-23 : BUG: Connected ducts in chamber 2022-02-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-23 : BUG: API urpns 2022-02-22 : Fix: [FW] Add ufields to manhole exports 2022-02-22 : New: [FW] Mass op to update layers for SB and Joints 2022-02-22 : BUG: column "reserved_a" of relation "fiber" does not exist 2022-02-22 : Fix [Test v4.21] BUG: cable creation (and uprn creation) 2022-02-22 : BUG: element_type creation crashes 2022-02-22 : BUG: API KML error - missing revision 2022-02-21 : BUG: API KML error 2022-02-21 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-21 : [Freedom] add layer updates on tracking changes 2022-02-18 : Fix: Allow leave layer id_prant blank 2022-02-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-18 : Fix advanced filters - prod build 2022-02-17 : v4.21.0 2022-02-17 : Fix: task dockerfile error 2022-02-17 : Fix: temporary workaround for googleMaps leaflet mutant library error, fixing the load of the google API to v3.46 via URL param 2022-02-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-17 : [ITS] API Map to show a buffer around different in-use and planned joint and splitterboxes 2022-02-17 : [ITS] reservar tubs o grups de fibres 2022-02-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-17 : [ITS] Nova funcionalitat reports - Filter sets 2022-02-17 : Fix: [Digital] Blockage filter by project ID and location 2022-02-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-17 : Fix: update layers for uprn, cables and poles 2022-02-17 : Fix: install package in task docker to allow kml generation 2022-02-17 : New: [CANTV] Add splitterbox name to the interconnection clients list 2022-02-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-16 : Fix: [NGA] Service P2P location button (to identify route) initial commit 2022-02-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-15 : Fix: Conflict on adding fk constraint 2022-02-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-15 : Fix: [Digital][FW] Jointing chambers don't display manhole ufields 2022-02-15 : New: Move "Connected ducts" tab below details, PIA ... tabs 2022-02-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-15 : Fix: [Digital][FW] Jointing chambers don't display manhole ufields 2022-02-10 : Fix: logQuery does not crash when a query has no params 2022-02-10 : [ITS] No funciona el 'Listado de canalizaciones' (Ducts) 2022-02-10 : Fix: getLang is not a function error when api call & res.send changed to res.sendStatus due to the first being deprecated 2022-02-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-10 : New: add extra documentation 2022-02-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-09 : Fix: [Trooli] Incorrect b2b_route in blockage exports 2022-02-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-09 : [Digital] Fer que totes les rutes Box2Box siguin llistades a la pantalla de gestió, però que les sense permsos no es puguin obirir 2022-02-09 : Fix: [Trooli] Incorrect b2b_route in blockage exports 2022-02-09 : Fix: [Trooli] Child layer disappears when parent is deleted 2022-02-08 : [Digital] Trim logins when saving 2022-02-08 : Afegir 'Apply' a la pantalla de 'Setup' de les instal·lacions 2022-02-07 : Fix: checkcode checks itself as duplicated code 2022-02-07 : New: [FW] Add tab in chamber with connected ducts 2022-02-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-04 : Fix: SED exports not working & new icon change 2022-02-04 : New: [DIGITAL] Add SB xlsx export 2022-02-04 : Fix: [NGA] CPD ufields shows manhole ufields 2022-02-03 : New: Geocode Address now uses a "maps.googleapis.geocode.key" param on top of global.config.geocoder.key for its key 2022-02-03 : New: getParamsByName 2022-02-03 : Fix: make element type in files component hardocded 2022-02-03 : [NGA] Serveis P2P amb edificis 2022-02-03 : Fix: P2P new element search faster 2022-02-03 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-03 : Fix: [BRSK] layer does not get saved when creating a ducted cable 2022-02-02 : Add checkcode to element edit 2022-02-02 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-02 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-02-02 : Cut Duct deixa la segona part del Duct al projecte General 2022-02-02 : New: mass op to update layer for UPRN, cable, pole 2022-02-02 : [ITS] No funciona be el anchor de tallar ducts 2022-02-01 : [DIGITAL] Box to Box Report doesn't populate the route 2022-02-01 : Ammend [Freedom] Add cables in duct sed export and/or ducts in cable sed export 2022-02-01 : Mirar pq el param uprn_singleline_address_editable no funciona 2022-02-01 : [Freedom] Add cables in duct sed export and/or ducts in cable sed export 2022-01-31 : New: massive operations to change status 2022-01-31 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-31 : Fix - Blockage Custom fields movement 2022-01-28 : Fix: Make sure project_users does not contain deleted projects 2022-01-28 : fix: [Digital] Some blockages do not have ID 2022-01-28 : [CANTV] Que exista la posibilidad de poder anexar documentos a un proyecto & [CANTV] Que exista un campo de comentarios/observaciones a un proyecto 2022-01-28 : Fix-Blockage photos not showing up if contains '(' or/and ')' in his name. 2022-01-28 : Mensajes no ordenados por que el campo 'data' es un varchar no una fecha 2022-01-27 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-27 : new: elements list export csv option 2022-01-27 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-27 : Fix: p2p fiber selection in getNextElement of DatConnectionInfo 2022-01-27 : [FW] No Permetre afegir codis de blockage_Status de més de 20 varchars (ja que altrament al fer save del blockages peta) 2022-01-27 : Fix: Make sure Blockage sed does not duplicate rows for different installations 2022-01-27 : Fix: remove default googlemaps key from code 2022-01-27 : Fixed bug: google base layers not loading 2022-01-26 : [DIGITAL] 2 blockages in 1 A55 in the same text 2022-01-26 : Codifiers validation 2022-01-24 : Fix: add missing sql revision (uprn usrn_match_indictator -> usrn_match_indicator) 2022-01-21 : [Community] param map.features.getgeojson_by_proximity to decide if geojson elements are loaded ordered by proximity 2022-01-19 : Fix: [Freedom] User with no roles (not allow) 2022-01-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-19 : [Community] Les operacions sobre templates (Alta, Baixa i modificació no apareixen al Tracking Changes) 2022-01-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-18 : Fix - BlockageReport not showing the correct photos 2022-01-14 : [DIGITAL] Exportable importable cable 2022-01-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-13 : [DIGITAL] BlockageReport 2022-01-13 : [DIGITAL] Abans ja era així el preview de les fotos als userfields? caldra fer-ho més gran 2022-01-13 : [DIGITAL] Tracking changes when uploading photos to Blockages set as "undefined" element_Type 2022-01-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-11 : New: B2b list minor cleanups 2022-01-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-11 : [BRSK][freedom] Filter users in user management screen 2022-01-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-11 : Fix: [Freedom]list of users order by name 2022-01-11 : Fer que el missatge 'Some B2B routes may be hidden due to role permissions.' a B2B només apareixi si s'han amagat rutes 2022-01-11 : Amend last commit 2022-01-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-11 : [DIGITAL] Blockage photos are populating in the new custom fields on projects and ducts where they have never been logged before 2022-01-10 : Fix: [BRSK] Deleting UPRN's asociated with splitterboxes, break sb's client list 2022-01-08 : Fix: [FW] Add user to files table 2022-01-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-05 : [FW] Mecanisme per esborrar nois 2022-01-05 : Fix: B2B SED & SED export to use the element table not the legacy elementlink view + filter CDFs by inst 2022-01-05 : Fix: b2b add sync_excluded_status error & roles when no roles 2022-01-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-05 : Fix: add new b2b broken 2022-01-05 : [FW] Afegir al SED d'elements un filtre d'element_type 2022-01-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2022-01-04 : Fix: properly disable the "p2p_admin" feature check for P2P services 2022-01-04 : Fix: [Digital] Enable Roles dropdown for contractors 2022-01-04 : [Trooli] Minor Snags after upgrade - Icon size 2022-01-03 : [Trooli] a L'activitat Associating with a splitter box faltaria dir quin UPRN 2021-12-30 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-30 : Fix: Catalan translation of cable operations 2021-12-30 : New: [FW] Add change Cable element state in SED operations 2021-12-30 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-30 : Add changes to roles in tracking changes 2021-12-30 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-30 : New: [FW] Select predefined roles in new B2B by default 2021-12-29 : Mejoras en el menú de creación de usuarios 2021-12-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-29 : [APB] No s'ha de permetre canviar nom/eliminar Element types que tenen registres a la bbdd 2021-12-29 : Fix: error in LogTask newJob 2021-12-28 : Fix: Make SED csv export always use quotes to help MS Excel import them correctly 2021-12-28 : New: Make express server timout explicit to 5min 2021-12-28 : Fix: correct param b2b.segment.sync_excluded_status 2021-12-28 : New: [Digital] Make Blockage "blockage tracker" userfields readonly for contractors 2021-12-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-28 : Fix: removal of shortest path "#routes" options from menus (until it works again) 2021-12-28 : Fix: add id to the blockages form component to ease the features 2021-12-28 : [DIGITAL] Show ufield photos first on A55 report 2021-12-28 : Lang is part of the context and gets set at session setup time 2021-12-28 : [DIGITAL] Network Summary Blockage 2021-12-27 : [FW] UPRN new is_mdu 2021-12-24 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-24 : Fix: [Trooli] Box2Box icons 2021-12-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-23 : Fix: Allow login when (only) the default project is selected 2021-12-23 : Afegir atenuació i color a la taula de connectors 2021-12-21 : Fix: LogB2b add/update error from last commit 2021-12-21 : [Freedom] Separar poles de manholes a l'export del KML part 2 2021-12-21 : [Freedom] Separar poles de manholes a l'export del KML 2021-12-20 : [CANTV] Languages als JSON - reports 2021-12-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-17 : New: getBlockageLayer only returns the Blockages within the area (+buffer) if a project is selected 2021-12-17 : New: param "b2b.segment.sync_excluded_status" to allow exclude some status from being copied over/from shared segments in different Box 2 Box routes 2021-12-17 : [APB] A l'esborrar alguna de les JOINTs (JC0029, JC0030, JC0032 i JC0033) no ho fa 2021-12-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-16 : Fix: Honor SED export param "contextuser_as_id_user" when using a job task to generate the CSV 2021-12-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-15 : Fix - BlockageReport map not showing correctly when certain fields overflow 2021-12-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-15 : Fix: Increase default APX json posted body handled by express 2021-12-15 : Fix: add Missing UserFields in B2B default CSV export 2021-12-15 : Fix: add missing b2b & blockage INDEX 2021-12-15 : Fix - BlockageReport map not showing correctly 2021-12-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-15 : [Freedom] change designer feature 2021-12-15 : [Exponential-e] Permetre extreure GeoPackage, KML o Shapes a partir de capes 2021-12-15 : [NGA] Afegir comptadors als serveis P2P + formats 2021-12-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-12 : Fix: [Orbital] summary by project is not lisitng any cables 2021-12-12 : Fix: (minor) sed cable description width added and opcio delete title changed 2021-12-10 : Fix: Refactor APX service start to support more activationcode errors 2021-12-10 : Fix: correct APX start activationcode code 2021-12-10 : Fix: add the "ignore_sql_params" param to SQL tasks json format and in sed_export.json to allow SED exports SQL that do not use the Filter values from SED (as in the SQL to remove the temporary table) 2021-12-10 : Fix: [FW] OBR Roles should be able to set the all roles for the b2b routes 2021-12-10 : Fix: make sure SED Duct export do not generates duplicated rows when repeated operators exist among installations 2021-12-10 : Fix: make cable setCapacityFibers error log work 2021-12-10 : Fix: Make APX service start display activationcode errors in log 2021-12-04 : Fix: Pole import missing geom_type Fix: Duct export missing id_inst in JOINS duplicating rows 2021-12-03 : Fix: [FW, ingekabel] remove from microduct, add cable to all canalizations in subduct and New: add exisitng cable from subduct 2021-12-02 : Fix: Pole import error 2021-12-02 : Fix: Add missing UserFields to the blockage SED export 2021-12-01 : Fix: ITS make SED exports resistent to double execution if the 1st step takes too long+ Clean export table as final step 2021-12-01 : Fix: SED id_user taken from SED filters (not the from the user doing the SED) & new SED config option "contextuser_as_id_user" to allow force filtering by the user doing the sql in SEDs 2021-12-02 : ingekabel insisting to have fw featrue for b2b just like digital 2021-12-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-12-01 : Fix: [CANTV] Not able to change password from admin menu 2021-11-29 : Fix: Counters window literals not in english 2021-11-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-29 : New: Massive op to des/assign b2b routes to roles 2021-11-29 : New: Massive op to des/assign b2b routes to roles 2021-11-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-29 : [CANTV] Menus en castellà 2021-11-26 : Fix: [ITS] Schematics Fiber 0 , 1 ... (should be la 1, 2 ...) 2021-11-26 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-26 : New: Make the log message informative when cable setCapacityFibers ends in error 2021-11-26 : New: [DIGITAL] Add code filter to Tracking changes window 2021-11-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-25 : Fix: [FW] Dar acceso a las routes B2B a los rols de obra sin que puedan editar más que lo segment status 2021-11-25 : [ITS] Subduct Highlight es perd al canviar el zoom 2021-11-24 : Fix: new style default opacity to 1 2021-11-24 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-24 : Fix: [BRSK] subduct issues (minimum) 2021-11-24 : getGeoJsonByProximity MapFeatures performance improvement Fixed multiple creation/editing while loading features Fixed mapDraw disappearing when dragend/zoomend 2021-11-23 : New: [DIGITAL] Contractor must be able to edit contractor´s box for all elements 2021-11-23 : Fix: [BRSK] In b2b report sb are not displayed in chambers and joints are not displayed in poles 2021-11-19 : Fix: [Orbital] Ducted cable does not save layer 2021-11-19 : New: [CANTV] Roles usuarios 2021-11-18 : Fix: Cannot update a user to have no projects 2021-11-18 : New: Add indexes to blockages 2021-11-15 : Fix: [FW, APB] Error when associating elements to btpia infrastructure 2021-11-15 : Fix: add constrain to uprn table to avoid duplpicate reg per inst 2021-11-15 : Fix: add inst 0 icons for interconnected elements 2021-11-12 : B2B cut en pole 2021-11-12 : [CANTV] Menus en castellà 2021-11-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-11 : [DIGITAL] New custom fields for tracking to be removed from A55 | [DIGITAL] A55 text not fitting inside the boxes | [DIGITAL] Remove a couple of boxes 2021-11-11 : Fix: Checkbox missing to select ducts while creating a cable 2021-11-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-11 : fix: Add control to map styles to allow users to select thickness of border for polygon map style type 2021-11-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-11 : Millores route connection info 2021-11-10 : New: add missing changelog 2021-11-10 : v4.20.0 2021-11-10 : Update API_webservice documentation changelog 2021-11-10 : Fix: Poles sed not showing info 2021-11-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-09 : New: [Freedom] Create feature ReadOnly 2021-11-09 : Cut cable - The lookup only returns joints 2021-11-09 : New element type - descriptive icon 2021-11-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-09 : Fix: avoid crashing when old actvity is null in LogActivity update 2021-11-08 : TDC, subducts not shown in interconnections when accessing from popup 2021-11-08 : Networklclients - No s'hauria de permetre afegir un nombre de connector rows/columns més gran que el nombre de connectors 2021-11-08 : Joint - Error loading form 2021-11-08 : Operations-Documents: no min height for pdfs (works well with images) 2021-11-08 : Fix: rename calular_rolelayer function 2021-11-08 : Fix: moviong apx_add_XXXX functions to sql revision 381 to avoid errors 2021-11-08 : Upload APX docu 2021-11-05 : New: add default importable_export for Ducts 2021-11-05 : Fix: add missing apx_add_XXXXX functions 2021-11-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-05 : B2B delete - 502 2021-11-05 : Fix: Route connexion info duplicate routes 2021-11-05 : Interconnections - Reserves not working 2021-11-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-04 : Interconnections SED - missing menu entry 2021-11-04 : v4.19.0 2021-11-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-04 : [BRSK] New csv Export with all the Box interconnections 2021-11-04 : [ITS] Millores a l'importador 2021-11-03 : Fix: Conflicted 383.sql uprn import fix 2021-11-03 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-11-03 : Fix: UPRN import of codifiers 2021-11-03 : Fix: [Freedom] Cable map style does not update when changed in sed > operations > change color 2021-11-03 : Fix: Duplicated login glitch 2021-11-03 : Fix: default separator for arrayTocsv is ; now & exportjob in default.json set to true 2021-11-02 : SED - info proces 2021-11-02 : [ITS] Poder canviar de forma massiva l'estat de joints i splitterboxes 2021-10-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-29 : [Estabanell] Canvis WMS 2021-10-29 : [Estabanell] canvi literal afAgeix -> afEgeix 2021-10-29 : [Digital] Es queixen que les Layers es bloquegen 2021-10-29 : [DIGITAL] Admin Box 2 Box routes only visible to the ‘Role’ within it was created 2021-10-29 : [BRSK] Subduct field is not informed in Microduct form and Microduct field is not informed in cable form 2021-10-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-29 : Fix: Creating a user with login details that already exists generate silent error 2021-10-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-29 : Fix: Creating a user with login details that already exists generate silent error 2021-10-29 : Fix: b2b map image not loading because b2b.map errorfile | Blockage narrative explaining to multiblockage & reservation_number not showing the full value 2021-10-28 : New: stop deleting users by adding d column in users 2021-10-28 : New: Documentation APX_etl 2021-10-28 : [Estabanell] Servir WMS de capes nostres per a que puguin ser consumides externament 2021-10-28 : Fix: element_state CDFS not filtered by id_inst in most of the SED sql's 2021-10-27 : Fix: show PIA Jointing chamber with PIA object_class = MH with its own icon 2021-10-27 : Fix: [Estabanell] El botó de Documents dels Armaris sembla no funcionar 2021-10-27 : Fix: consistency on manholes export 2021-10-26 : Fix: Export replace & in KML codes 2021-10-26 : New: apx_newid now checks whther the parameter is a table name to create an id with the same prefeix as the backend 2021-10-26 : New: Joint and Splitterbox importable exports (aka, the same fields named the same) 2021-10-26 : Fix: handle SED query error 2021-10-25 : Fix: New icon upload failure 2021-10-22 : Fix: CSV import log error message 2021-10-21 : [ITS] 2 new API endcalls /pia/elementsWithin/:lonlat and pia/elementsWithinUPRN/:uprn 2021-10-21 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-21 : Fix: route conection info icons 2021-10-21 : [BRSK] import poligon to define project area instead of manual drawing 2021-10-20 : [FW] Campo para subir pdfs 2021-10-19 : [Community] Rendiment al moment de crear un element nou - fixes and loading spinner 2021-10-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-18 : Fix: PIA .map for Poles with children 2021-10-18 : [Trooli] Link template to clients´ field 2021-10-18 : [DIGITAL] A55 not pulling more than 1 blockage inf ALSO FIXES: [DIGITAL] Blockage reports not running 2021-10-15 : New: Add missing canalization_cable indexes 2021-10-15 : Fix: use context.project in SED export function 2021-10-15 : Merge branch 'brancaAleix' 2021-10-15 : [Community] Rendiment al moment de crear un element nou 2021-10-15 : Fix: [Trooli] Trooli test Generate summary elements by project 2021-10-15 : Fix - Blockage - Allow ufield on create 2021-10-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-15 : Blockages - Allow ufields on creation. 2021-10-14 : Fix: make sendMail debug message correctly show mailer options 2021-10-13 : [DIGITAL] Create custom field for blockages 2021-10-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-11 : Fix: sql 376 2021-10-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-11 : New: keep track of roles in activity 2021-10-11 : New: Change btpia error to TEXT Fix: add missing uprn.singleline_address_editable param 2021-10-11 : New: Add Duct userfields to SED Duct export 2021-10-11 : amend: [Fibrus] no icons are displayed in the map (previous amend was not saved properly) 2021-10-11 : Amend: [Fibrus] no icons are displayed in the map 2021-10-11 : Fix: [Fibrus] no icons are displayed in the map 2021-10-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-09 : fIX: [BRSK] Chambers are missing on Box2Box report 2021-10-08 : [ITS] Map_style showlabel - redrawlayers on dragend/zoomend 2021-10-08 : Fix: [fibrus] btpia jammed(parse error) 2021-10-07 : Fix:[Freedom]APX Backup a) reove export all option 2021-10-07 : Added Viewer feature 2021-10-06 : Fix on refresh layers, geojson call return wait was locking wms reload 2021-10-06 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-06 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-06 : [brsk] include the Project Name in the Message when a project is exported 2021-10-06 : Amend [ITS] Map_style: afegir la opció de mostrar/amagar etiquetes 2021-10-06 : [ITS] Map_style: afegir la opció de mostrar/amagar etiquetes 2021-10-05 : Add description to params 2021-10-05 : New: [Freedom] Create Designer role 2021-10-05 : Fa falta cridar el generateIcons/generate quan es puja una nova icona 2021-10-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-05 : Fix:[Orbital] NOI is stuck in running status 2021-10-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-04 : Fix: Change deprecated new Buffer and exprss body-parser to the new alternatives to fix the ActivationCode call 2021-10-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-04 : Fix: [Estabanell] No es pot desar floor a building - Error updating data 2021-10-04 : Amend: [F&W] Que es mostri l'usuari i data/hora de la última modificació les Fibre Interconnections - Add language files 2021-10-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-10-01 : Fix: UPRN import field "type" now accepts codes too 2021-10-01 : [F&W] Que es mostri l'usuari i data/hora de la última modificació les Fibre Interconnections 2021-09-30 : Fix: make id_params field in params 50 chars long 2021-09-30 : ammend filtre.sql due to ammend 373.sql 2021-09-30 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-30 : Ammend 373.sql param name 2021-09-30 : Fix: API findElementsInRangeByLatLon error 2021-09-29 : Ammend Merge commit 2021-09-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-29 : Ammend merge: [Orbital] summary by project including pia elements + little enhancements 2021-09-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-29 : Ammend: [Orbital] summary by project including pia elements + little enhancements 2021-09-29 : Fix: Missing apx_getuserfields_json in sql 372 2021-09-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-29 : Fix: Report alter popup not showing the correct title. 2021-09-28 : New: added API endpoint "Uprns by coordinates" New: make Userfields in API return as an JSON object structure New: prepend "api_ " to the Dat*.js API functions New: update API documentation 2021-09-28 : Fix: sql 371 missing final ; New: Missing uprn postcode index 2021-09-28 : Amend last commit 2021-09-28 : [DIGITAL] A55 not pulling more than 1 blockage info 2021-09-28 : [DIGITAL] A55 not pulling more than 1 blockage info 2021-09-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-28 : Fix: [APB] Problemes amb els Racks 2021-09-24 : Fix: Messages backend glitch New: Prepare message for pagination 2021-09-23 : Fix: [Orbital] summary by project including pia elements + little enhancements 2021-09-22 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-22 : Amend: "[Orbital] Duct list not showing length" to include exchange buildings in btpia 2021-09-22 : New: Make APX header display project name when there's only 1 and it is not the default one 2021-09-22 : New: api version documentation to 1.08 2021-09-22 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-22 : [DIGITAL] A55 not pulling more than 1 blockage info -- debug 2021-09-22 : Fix: [Orbital] Duct list not showing length 2021-09-20 : New: Set a max of 5000m to the API elements by UPRN buffer + Make it return [] instead of 404 when no elements within the area 2021-09-17 : Amend last commit 2021-09-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-17 : New:[DIGITAL] ‘Select All’ button to be installed within Box2Box 2021-09-17 : [FW] Cables desasociados 2021-09-16 : ammend [APB][Estabanell] Pantalla de building trencada 2021-09-16 : [APB][Estabanell] Pantalla de building trencada 2021-09-16 : [Estabanell] Permetre que els cables acabin en Postes 2021-09-16 : New: add time to the messages list 2021-09-16 : [BRSK] when removing a project from a element all projects are removed 2021-09-16 : [BRSK] B2b next element too slow (5min wait) 2021-09-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-16 : add colorpick in link map styles and brsk features 2021-09-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-15 : [Trooli] "error updating element" 2021-09-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-15 : New: improve getGeojson layers load performance 2021-09-15 : [ITS] Peta a l'afegir una JOINT 2021-09-14 : [ITS] Ordre del tracking changes 2021-09-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-13 : [DIGITAL/FW] SOme icons do not show in Box 2 Box + enable icon component to select no icon 2021-09-13 : New: Box2Box search case insensitive 2021-09-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-13 : [DIGITAL] Enable contractors to delete documents 2021-09-10 : [Freedom] add comments field to pole import tool 2021-09-10 : Fix: make update_db work with a param for non docker upgrades 2021-09-10 : Fix: app upload backend did not free context as from last change 2021-09-09 : App error 500 when uploading document 2021-09-09 : Amend last commit 2021-09-09 : [FW] Mobile app does not work 2021-09-09 : [FW] Object ID column in csv file for joint box exports 2021-09-09 : Documents delete not working 2021-09-08 : BlockageLayer disable filter by project 2021-09-08 : [Tests 28-8-21] Low - #20 User fields only a) 2021-09-08 : Amend last commit 2021-09-08 : [FW] Las extracciones en APX Digital y FW no están funcionando. 2021-09-08 : Fix: sql revision us of apx_add_col instead of ADD COLUMN Fix: Duct upload file elementType bug 2021-09-07 : Fix: [Tests 28-8-21] #15 Building: When adding a Joint/Spb location should not be populatable & it breaks if "Edit" button is clicked 2021-09-07 : [Tests 28-8-21] Low - #5 Import Clients: Import Clients Import status marked as Error when don't exists any error 2021-09-07 : make networkclient type component consistent 2021-09-07 : [ITS] Fer una proposta de User log 2021-09-07 : [Tests 28-8-21] #16 Building 2021-09-07 : Adds icon to networkclient type 2021-09-07 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-07 : Missing file from [Tests 28-8-21] #4 OLT 2021-09-03 : Fix: kml import 2021-09-03 : New: Changelog for 4.18 2021-09-03 : [Tests 28-8-21] #4 OLT 2021-09-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-09-01 : [Tests 28-8-21] #10 2021-09-01 : Added a new import format to the chamber file upload script 2021-09-01 : [FW][DIGITAL] Permetre crear Blockages des de DUCT directament 2021-09-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-31 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-31 : New: update_db now tries to identify gaps in the executed sql upgrade files and executes them if not marked as properly executed Fix: sql revision 2021-08-31 : Fix bad height of element form accordion tabs after having loaded non encapsulated sed css style 2021-08-30 : devops 2021-08-30 : Added decimeter tolerance to pia element creation to find start/end elements 2021-08-30 : [ITS] disable UPRN MDU calculation by param [ITS] disable getGeoJson related project elements by param 2021-08-30 : [fw] enables b2b for role obra 2021-08-30 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-27 : Fix api/uprn/ctoDesignStateByUprn 2021-08-27 : Fix uprn/ufieldsByUprn 2021-08-27 : Fix: sql revision glitches Fix: err adding new poles 2021-08-27 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-26 : Element_style theme error. 2021-08-26 : v4.18.0 2021-08-26 : [DIGITAL] Ducts not availabe in Box 2 Box - no confirmed start or end 2021-08-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-25 : Fix: Missing user fields in Poles SED CSV export New: Missing UPRN INDEXes 2021-08-25 : [DIGITAL] Allow decimal point 2021-08-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-25 : [BRSK] Missing info in OR PIA Webservice call 2021-08-25 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-24 : [Freedom] Unable to select ownership blank("null") in poles 2021-08-23 : [Fibrus] Check splitterbox import tool 2021-08-23 : New: API documentation 2021-08-23 : [freedom] fix pole import 2021-08-20 : [Trolli] - Segment status to print on B2B 2021-08-19 : [FW] cannot search for manholes 2021-08-19 : Fix 361.sql 2021-08-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-18 : [BRSK] Delete element is broken 2021-08-18 : Fix comments component 2021-08-18 : v4.17.0 2021-08-18 : [Trolli] - Duct line thickness 2021-08-18 : [Trolli] - Update of Report Summary By Projects 2021-08-17 : docker -> docker-registry 2021-08-17 : [Trolli] - Blockage notification on B2B to show Blockage cleared and turn green when status changes - unless you're zoomed right in might not be clear where the blockage is - need to make sure there's no room for confusion 2021-08-17 : docker share layers 2021-08-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-16 : Special Layers && Blockage Layer 2021-08-16 : [Freedom] add saved fields to templates 2021-08-16 : [Trolli] - Address is not accurate 2021-08-16 : [Trolli] - Segment status to print on B2B 2021-08-13 : Amend last commit 2021-08-13 : [Trolli] - Importador de blockge status 2021-08-12 : [Trolli] - Blockage FP number field 2021-08-12 : Blockage FP number field 2021-08-11 : [Trolli] - Addition of project area tranche by premise 2021-08-11 : [Trolli] - Addition of project area tranche by premise 2021-08-10 : [ITS] Pia Description Field 2021-08-10 : [Trolli] - Notes field on B2B header for notes/comments relating to the route - these need to be exportable, and include notes from different roles/stamped with user ID 2021-08-03 : Fix 365.sql 2021-08-03 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-08-03 : [DIGITAL] Contractors unable to close splitter boxes 2021-08-03 : [Community] Add subduct issue 2021-08-03 : [Sodetegc] Los cables se pintan de color incorrecto 2021-08-03 : [FreedomFibre] Hay un bug o algo que se mantiene "pintado" con color celeste subconductos que fueron pintados y borrados. 2021-07-30 : [DIGITAL] Contractor role dates 2021-07-29 : Add FKs to the dump_db 2021-07-29 : [ITS] Create a new joint with custom ID 2021-07-28 : [Trooli] Add links to B2B Routes/Blockages forms in Duct form 2021-07-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-28 : feature fw_obr 2021-07-28 : [Trooli] - A55: Traffic Management and Type of Surface 2021-07-27 : Fix: Msssing importlog INDEX 2021-07-27 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-27 : [Trooli] Add Blockage deletion to the tracking changes 2021-07-27 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-27 : [Trooli] Add B2B Routes/Blockages tab to Duct form 2021-07-27 : [Trooli] - Duct Segment status should show on all routes passing through that duct 2021-07-27 : Fix: Network summary menu name (strip "menu" prefix as is added later dynamically) 2021-07-26 : Fix: UPRN save error 2021-07-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-23 : Fix: datColor map_styles 2021-07-23 : Fix: CommunityFibre Bug -> Missing related_project elements 2021-07-23 : Fix: datColor map_styles 2021-07-23 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-23 : [DIGITAL] Box to box date automatically filled and not changeable by anybody 2021-07-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-23 : Fix: splitter 1:12 html error 2021-07-23 : [Digital] Segment status at blockage SED list + export 2021-07-23 : [Terrassa] Que els cables puguin acabar als edificis o els seus fills 2021-07-23 : Fix: splitter 1:12 html error 2021-07-23 : New: New ITS API changes (elementsWithinUPRN, states filter) 2021-07-21 : Millora càlcul OTDR des d:un extrem de la fibra: Mostrar-ho sobre el mapa amb l'Adreça segons el geocode 2021-07-21 : [FW] Route connection info bug - when changing cable path/end/start invalid interconnections were not deleted 2021-07-21 : Fix: JS Console errors when refreshing apx 2021-07-21 : Fix: Enable FW contractor SB close button 2021-07-21 : Fix: Map style issues 2021-07-21 : Fix: cosmetic tab name activity -> Activity 2021-07-20 : Fix: revision 337 2021-07-19 : [ITS] Embedd APX map - Highlighted radius: corrections 2021-07-16 : New: make legacy appCache installation aware 2021-07-16 : New: Manholes/CPD can now have networkclients of splitters/Filters New: Splitting of 1:12 now allowed 2021-07-16 : Fix: element coordnates field export splitted into lat & lon New: apx_getelement_projects to use in the necessary exports 2021-07-16 : [ITS] Embedd a visual of APX map in ITS web portal - Highlighted radius 2021-07-15 : Fix: subduct interconnections 2021-07-15 : New: Add Cable type to the element template 2021-07-14 : New: Digital cahnges to contractor feature 2021-07-12 : [Terrassa] hotfix 2021-07-09 : [FW] To ADD British Grid coordinates in the info popup on map 2021-07-09 : [BRSK] add colors stoped working 2021-07-08 : Amend last commit 2021-07-08 : Afegir els nous camps d'UPRN a l'export SED 2021-07-08 : [FreedomFibre] Afegir camps nous a Import d'UPRNs 2021-07-06 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-06 : [ITS] UPRN el sistema dona error al fer update 2021-07-06 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-06 : Sed-process: show the number of elements that will be affected in the alert dialog 2021-07-06 : [BRSK] Operació massiva delete UPRNS no va 2021-07-06 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-06 : [APB] Templates visuals netcli: desar X i les Y 2021-07-06 : [Terrassa] Esborrar planta sense esborrar rack bug 2021-07-06 : BUG fix: cable update deleting interconnections 2021-07-05 : New: Missing INDEXes 2021-07-05 : Fix: Poles import 2021-07-05 : [ITS] Operacions sobre selecció d'elements tipus 'joint', 'splitter box', 'fibre cable', 'pole' i 'central node' 2021-07-02 : [Trooli]Unable to import OS classifications to APX 2021-07-02 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-02 : [ITS] BUGFIX: UPRN CSV export 2021-07-01 : [DIGITAL] Box2Box poder posar camps d'usuari 2021-07-01 : docker api 2021-07-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-07-01 : [ITS] Embedd a visual of APX map in ITS web portal 2021-06-30 : Fix: UPRN SED closest SB error 2021-06-29 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-29 : [FW] Not able to save UPRN status 2021-06-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-28 : bug: layer_type normal='' 2021-06-25 : [Orbital] La pantalla de layers no desa canvis 2021-06-25 : [Orbital] user management activar el botó d'apply 2021-06-23 : Amend last commit debugger points 2021-06-23 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-23 : UPRN no guarda els canvis. 2021-06-23 : [ITS] Crear cable seleccionant els ducts per on ha de passar 2021-06-23 : No es poden crear Splitterboxes. 2021-06-23 : [Sodetegc] KML includes projects from other inst 2021-06-22 : jenkins auto update beta 2021-06-22 : bug: upload 2021-06-22 : [Terrassa] Valones importades amb x, y al reves 2021-06-21 : New: Make cable and Ducts query for "cut-able" elements ByGeom only on button click 2021-06-21 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-21 : [Terrassa] Valones importades amb x, y al reves 2021-06-21 : [BRSK] problem on the project KML export. 2021-06-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-19 : Fix: missing file from the p2p workaround bug commit 2021-06-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-18 : [APB] No va templates visuals netcli 2021-06-18 : New: missing INDEXes 2021-06-18 : Fix: workaround the bug introduced to p2p in commit "[Tests 9-6-21] #4 Interconnecctions: display elements" 2021-06-18 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-18 : [Terrassa] detalls conexions a les interconnexions 2021-06-17 : New: digital contractors js feature based on fw_obr 2021-06-17 : update_db config 2021-06-17 : Fix: element_type_style varchar to text style formulas & element_style style allowed to be null 2021-06-17 : New: utility to upload files in batch to Chambers 2021-06-17 : param b2b.pole.range 2021-06-17 : report b2b: poles 2021-06-16 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-16 : Box2Box: pal a pal 2021-06-15 : Reverted last + 337 & 341 reexecution resistance 2021-06-15 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-15 : New: make setLayers no throw an exception when element is already assigned (e.g. in double posts from FE) 2021-06-15 : Fix: ApxFileViewComponent glitch for jpeg's 2021-06-15 : Fix: make 332 sql rexecution resistent 2021-06-15 : [Tests 9-6-21] Reverting Splitterbox-Clients changes 2021-06-14 : Millora UFields: nous tipus Label, Data i Time [DIGITAL] Create "field type" date [Community] New feature 8: Possibility to categorize or tag network elements photos taken with the app or uploaded to the web 2021-06-14 : Fix duplicated ufields tabs in manhole form 2021-06-14 : [FW] To ADD British Grid coordinates format - Missing dependency 2021-06-11 : [FW] To ADD British Grid coordinates format (read only) close to the geographical coordinates in APX elements forms (and in csv export lists) 2021-06-11 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-11 : error import 2021-06-11 : [Tests 9-6-21] #5 Networkclient form errors 2021-06-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-11 : [Tests 9-6-21] Import UPRNs, NOIs Custm Fields 2021-06-11 : [Tests 9-6-21] #4 Interconnecctions: display elements 2021-06-11 : [Tests 9-6-21] #21 Import Service Loops 2021-06-10 : changelog 2021-06-10 : [Tests 9-6-21] ### El changelog ha de ser consultable 2021-06-10 : [Tests 9-6-21] #24 Building save 2021-06-10 : [Tests 9-6-21] #30 Route connection info: Icons in the list do not show 2021-06-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-10 : Duct: Poder crear un cable nou 2021-06-10 : [BRSK] Operació massiva per autopopular adreces en elements no informats abans de fer un Fibre Schematic diagram 2021-06-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-10 : [Tests 9-6-21] #31 USer mngmt My account 2021-06-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-10 : updates: script crear activity 2021-06-09 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-09 : New: improve Import Splitterbox Clients field descriptions 2021-06-08 : [Trooli] Network elements tracking changes 2021-06-08 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-08 : Fix: addNoib2b allow repeated elements inside a b2b 2021-06-08 : update: icon de elementtype 2021-06-08 : update: insert icons 2021-06-08 : v4.16.2 2021-06-08 : Fix: map opacity 2021-06-08 : v4.16.1 2021-06-08 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-08 : v4.15.22 2021-06-08 : v4.15.21 2021-06-08 : Fix: findByGeom Fix: addNoib2b after error 2021-06-07 : runSql treure referencia a LogUtil 2021-06-07 : v4.16.0 2021-06-04 : docker mapserver config 2021-06-04 : pia & noi scripts 2021-06-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-03 : config pia for docker 2021-06-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-04 : Fix: add jq to the worker dockerfile to parse OR json PIA Fix: 321.sql retrocamptibility woth postgresql 10 New: add b2b reports button to fw_obr feature 2021-06-04 : [FIBRUS] New "UPRN coverage area" import 2021-06-04 : Amend last commit 2021-06-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-04 : 5- Overhead spans are not displayed as before 2021-06-04 : Fix: import length checks on empty fields Fix: delete all potential clients from splitterbox 2021-06-04 : [Trooli] B2B: resaltar FP 2021-06-04 : [Terrassa] L'importador d'interconexions fix 2021-06-04 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-04 : [Terrassa] L'importador d'interconexions 2021-06-03 : merge 2021-06-03 : merge 2021-06-03 : [Trooli] - A55: Traffic Management [Trooli] - A55: Surface 2021-06-03 : [Terrassa] Import itx KO 2021-06-03 : [DIGITAL] & [Dragonet] Route Connection Info. 2021-06-02 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-02 : [Trolli] - Ability to minimize or shrink down the left hand pane to see more of the map when using tablet 2021-06-02 : Amend last commit 2021-06-02 : [Estabanell] Diferenciar clients potencials de ports als splitterboxes 2021-06-01 : fix config isue: uploadOptions 2021-06-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-01 : merge 2021-06-01 : New: Improve Interconnection Import fields info 2021-06-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-01 : Fix: OpenReach NOI call field resurceType initCapitalized 2021-06-01 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-06-01 : [Terrassa] Errors Importador d'interconnexions 2021-06-01 : Failed Pipeline 2021-05-31 : [Trooli] Network elements tracking changes 2021-05-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-28 : show version 2021-05-28 : v4.15.17 2021-05-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-28 : Fix: sql revision 339.sql New: add to fields to the ctoDesignStateByUprn API 2021-05-28 : version script: git fetch --tags 2021-05-28 : v4.15.16 2021-05-28 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-28 : Fix: Project window validation apply button 2021-05-28 : Fix: Import interconection field names 2021-05-27 : [Trooli] usar els permissos dels processos massius per filtrar-los a la pantalla del SED 2021-05-27 : [brsk] export shape (from Project screen) error 2021-05-27 : [FW] Acceso a B2B a los roles OBRA, CABLE TECH, FIBRUS y 21DAYSLTD sin privilegios de administrador 2021-05-27 : [FW] Única extraccion para cable, joint y splitter box 2021-05-26 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-26 : Layers: Counter in layers manager is displaying wrong numbers 2021-05-26 : Implentar un contador de context no resolts, per veure si trobem pq a vegades es penja APX 2021-05-26 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-26 : [FW] Acceso a B2B a los roles OBRA, CABLE TECH, FIBRUS y 21DAYSLTD sin privilegios de administrador 2021-05-26 : v4.15.15 2021-05-26 : Fix: nondocker updaters Fix UPRN SED 2021-05-25 : Fix: New element repeated code blocks screen 2021-05-25 : Projects: error 504 +Add elements inside the area 2021-05-25 : icon+config 2021-05-20 : kubernetes 2021-05-20 : icons 2021-05-20 : icons 2021-05-20 : icons 2021-05-20 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-20 : icons folder 2021-05-20 : New: location component show selected square kms when of type polygon 2021-05-20 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-20 : Fix: import uprns 2021-05-20 : job update_elementtype 2021-05-20 : docker: downgrde node version to 12 2021-05-20 : docker: upgrade node version 2021-05-20 : job update_element 2021-05-20 : iconlist 2021-05-20 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-19 : Map styles: Cal acabar bé el manteniment, que permeti pujar icones i seleccionar-les d'un combo amb preview 2021-05-19 : v4.15.14 2021-05-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-19 : Fix: update_db.js 2021-05-19 : Fix: element subtype style & new icons 2021-05-19 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-19 : Configurar capa "Nodes" sense parent layer + WMS 2021-05-18 : sed uprn: filter by project 2021-05-18 : Fix: subduct & netcli template nom => name 2021-05-18 : Fix: update_db.js 2021-05-18 : Fix: sql revisions glitches 2021-05-17 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-17 : debug config 2021-05-17 : 2 files left to commit 2021-05-17 : [Terrassa] Codificador chamber environment no es pot gestionar desde pantalla codifiers & ubication migration to codifier 2021-05-17 : [Terrassa] Codificador chamber environment no es pot gestionar desde pantalla codifiers & ubication migration to codifier 2021-05-17 : Modificació massiva d'un Custom Field: add i remove 2021-05-14 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-14 : uprn update field 2021-05-14 : Fix: cable import id_colorpattern 2021-05-14 : Fix: apx_update_element_style for themes Fix: global.logger in AWSUtils and updater_db 2021-05-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-13 : el frontend no fa el dist 2021-05-13 : 3 - When adding a blockage, this used to have a duct boundary when setting the pin, this is no longer present and will cause issues when sending off reports. 2021-05-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-13 : Fix: update_db use config/production.json 2021-05-13 : treure global.logger del frontend 2021-05-13 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-13 : 16- Error loading data - UPRN passed 2021-05-13 : Trooli: 2- When creating a blockage, you would have a pin icon, no longer present 2021-05-13 : console.log changed 2021-05-12 : db_dump 2021-05-12 : CustomFields: cdf multiseleccio 2021-05-12 : v4.15.13 2021-05-12 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-12 : v4.15.12 2021-05-12 : mapserver 2021-05-12 : db_dump 2021-05-12 : [Trooli] BUG 2- When creating a blockage, you would have a pin icon, no longer present. Also, route would be highlighted in bold yellow. 2021-05-12 : Fix: dist build language en and ca & AWSUtil glitch 2021-05-12 : v4.15.11 2021-05-12 : nginx docker 2021-05-12 : nginx docker 2021-05-12 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-12 : enviar mail quan falla la compilació 2021-05-12 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-11 : v4.15.10 2021-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-11 : Trooli: 9 - Can we default the number of clients to 16 per FP? 2021-05-11 : [Trooli] BUG 2- When creating a blockage, you would have a pin icon, no longer present. Also, route would be highlighted in bold yellow. 2021-05-11 : Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-11 : [Trooli] BUG 3 - When adding a blockage, this used to have a duct boundary when setting the pin, this is no longer present and will cause issues when sending off reports. 2021-05-11 : v4.15.9 2021-05-11 : starturp script 2021-05-11 : v4.15.8 2021-05-11 : trooli: 7- Box2box window takes up more of the screen than before, will affect tablet users more 2021-05-11 : Trooli: 4 - Adding a new premise to an existing FP are not turning green- 2021-05-11 : config trooli test 2021-05-10 : Seleccionar elements dibuixant un poligon 2021-05-10 : dist 2021-05-10 : test 2021-05-10 : nginx client_max_body_size 2021-05-10 : test: login 2021-05-10 : test 2021-05-10 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-10 : start.sh 2021-05-07 : NOI & splitterbox import fixes 2021-05-07 : Fix: project tab in element forms 2021-05-06 : merge a2-frontend master 2021-05-06 : pia noi 2021-05-06 : merge a2-backend develop 2021-05-05 : Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:apx2/apx_gis 2021-05-05 : Problema carga NOI 2021-05-05 : v4.15.7 2021-05-05 : mapserver 2021-05-05 : v4.15.6 2021-05-05 : v4.15.5 2021-05-05 : config 2021-05-05 : uprn import update 2021-05-04 : v4.15.4 2021-05-04 : HealthCheck 2021-05-04 : v4.15.3 2021-05-04 : v4.15.2 2021-05-04 : v4.15.1 2021-05-04 : v4.15.0 2021-05-04 : logger 2021-05-03 : dump_db: indexos i inserts 2021-05-03 : v4.14.4 2021-05-02 : v4.14.3 2021-05-02 : docker db 2021-05-01 : v4.14.2 2021-05-01 : v4.14.1 2021-05-01 : v4.14.0 2021-05-01 : v4.13.2 2021-05-01 : v4.13.1 2021-05-01 : v4.13.0 2021-05-01 : v4.12.1 2021-05-01 : v4.12.0 2021-05-01 : v4.11.0 2021-05-01 : v4.10.0 2021-05-01 : v4.9.0 2021-05-01 : v4.8.0 2021-05-01 : v4.7.0 2021-05-01 : v4.6.0 2021-05-01 : v4.5.0 2021-05-01 : v4.4.0 2021-05-01 : v4.3.0 2021-05-01 : v4.2.10 2021-05-01 : v4.2.9 2021-04-30 : v4.2.8 2021-04-30 : docker dev 2021-04-30 : v4.2.7 2021-04-30 : devops 2021-04-30 : v4.2.6 2021-04-30 : push_all reports 2021-04-30 : set -e 2021-04-30 : v4.2.5 2021-04-30 : apx_version 2021-04-30 : v4.2.4 2021-04-30 : apx_version 2021-04-30 : v4.2.3 2021-04-30 : v4.2.2 2021-04-30 : apx_version 2021-04-30 : v4.2.1 2021-04-30 : show version 2021-04-30 : devops 2021-04-30 : devops 2021-04-30 : devops: npm install 2021-04-30 : dist frontend npx 2021-04-30 : devops 2021-04-30 : v4.1.3 2021-04-30 : v4.1.2 2021-04-30 : appversion 2021-04-30 : merge repositoris 2021-04-30 : Initial commit